This type of roofing is also known as “tar and gravel” roofs. They are composed of alternating layers of bitumen and reinforced fabrics that create a finished membrane. It is commonly referred to the acronym BUR. Built up roofing has been in use for more than a century now. It is highly used in low slope roofs. BUR is used more in warmer climates. Fabrics or layers used on built up roofing are called ply sheets. The built-up roofing system application process is quite simple. The most commonly used in this type of roofing system are: asphalt, cold tat, and cold applied adhesive. The asphalt or coal is heated in a kettle or a tanker. Although it can be applied with a mechanical spreader, most contractors prefer to use either mops or squeegees. It does not have to be heated to be applied and there are no toxic fumes, which makes it environmentally friendly. Built up roofing requires very little maintenance and can boldly sustain inclement weather. It has an excellent reputation as a result of the great weatherproofing protection that it provides.